
Friday, March 18, 2016

For purposes of REVALIDATION, what other functions performed by the seafarer can be considered as equivalent to approved sea going service?

Seafarers performing functions considered to be equivalent to approved sea going service are required to provide documentary evidence of service. A one (1) year service ASHORE in maritime industry is equated into six (6) months of sea going service.  The following functions are considered to be equivalent to seagoing service:
  1. Service in the Administration, specific to STCW-related tasks;
  2. Service as active Naval or Coast Guard Officer in the Philippines, under the Guidance in Section B-IX of the STCW Code;
  3. Actual days of service as an Accredited Instructor, Supervisor or Assessor of Competence in an Approved Training Program (ATP) in an MTI;
  4. Actual days of service as an Accredited Instructor, Member of the Faculty, Supervisor, Dean, Shipboard Training Officer or Assessor of Competence for an Approved Education and Training Program (AETP) in an MHEI;
  5. Actual period of sea service as Sea or Harbor Pilot;
  6. Service as onboard instructor or assessor of competence;
  7. Other such functions which required by regulation, an equivalent level of certificate of competency or certificate of proficiency, to perform while service on land.

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Itanong mo, Sagot Agad