
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

What is requirements for Chinese J1 and J2 Visa for journalists?

J-1 visa for resident journalist 
Foreign correspondents transferred from HK to the Mainland need to submit applications to the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the P. R. China. Visa notice from the Information Department of the M. F. A. of the PRC and health certificates are required.
J-2 visa for news-coverage on a short-term basis:
For foreign correspondents based in HK, who travel on coverage purpose
(1)     To Guangdong Province or Shanghai Municipality, visa applications can be filed with the Office of Foreign Affairs of Guangdong Province (Tel: 86-20-81218363, Fax: 86-20-81215150), or the Office of Foreign Affairs of Shanghai (Tel: 86-21-62158269, Fax: 86-21-62562522) or the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the P. R. C. in HK SAR (Tel: 21066164,21066169,Fax:21066153) 
(2)     To other provinces, municipalities or autonomous regions, visa applications can be filed with the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the P. R. C. in HK SAR (Tel: 21066164,21066169,Fax:21066153).
The following documents are required for applicants:
(1)   Application letter of the affiliated news agency
(2)   Invitation letter of the interviewee
(3)   For the first time applicants, resume and a copy of passport are required
   For more information about making coverage trips to the Mainland China, please log into

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Itanong mo, Sagot Agad